Monday, February 13, 2006

Arsène Lupin: Gentleman Burglar (preview)

Well the review of Negima can wait. Every manga fan and his grandma have probably blogged their views about this manga (for better or worse). I like it but I’m going to take my time to give it a worthy mention. In the meantime I’ve decided to spout off a preview about a recent find I made at the local Salvation Army thrift store book section.

While perusing the shelves for some new books (meaning old books) to add to my collection, I was startled and then excited to find a 1910 English edition of Arsène Lupin: Gentleman Burglar by French author Maurice Leblanc. This book was reportedly the inspiration for the Japanese manga/anime Lupin the 3rd by Monkey Punch.

The book is still in excellent condition for tome that is 96 years old. I am still currently in the first chapter but the story and the storytelling is quite interesting and the English is almost modern compared to another 1910 novel I have called The Boy Aviators on Secret Service by Captain Wilbur Lawton.

Mon. Leblanc’s adventure story looks to be an easy and exciting read very much in the vein of his fellow Frenchman Jules Verne. I should have it finished in the next day or two and will blog a somewhat expanded review of it then.

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